Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What's in a name...

Hello, fellow movie (and blog) enthusiasts! It has been a really long time since I've posted anything new. Like, more than a year.

Cue Rent singers: More than 525,600 minutes.

Sung at every high school theater competition ever.

Do you realize how much changes in a year? A lot. For example, I have moved back across the country to my original coast. I am now going back to school for something completely different than I had originally planned, but I am SO happy for it. My cat had to learn how to climb stairs in my new place. Anyway- there have been a lot of changes.

And so I've decided to make another change- I am going to repurpose this blog into something slightly different than its original intention. Initially, I started it to post nothing but movie reviews (I was in film school at the time). While my love for movies hasn't changed, the number of other things in my life that I want to write about and share with you has.

From now on, I'm going to share a lot of other neat stuff with you that I hope you find just as great as I do. Some of it will be for me (sometimes you've just got to write, ya know?), but most of it will be for others.

So the name of the blog will remain the same, but the subtitle will be slightly altered. According to, a "picture" is "a particular image or reality as portrayed in an account or description; depiction; version." So I will share with you my particular reality as portrayed in my account of the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new and improved Penning the Pictures: Of My Mind.

Here goes nothing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Apologies abound, but Nicolas Cage heals all wounds

My, my, my. Has it really been that long since I've posted? Answer: yes. And I'm sorry for that.

Now, I do not expect you to accept my excuses, but I figured I'd give them anyway. I recently started a full-time job. Full-time work is...well, a lot of work. Who knew?

I have also been writing for a few websites. You can find me using my sports knowledge to cover the LA Clippers here or using my love for art as an LA Art and Exhibitions Examiner here. I've also been doing a lot of tweeting, so be sure to follow me. My writing is all over the place, but as long as I'm writing, I'm happy.

But all of this doesn't mean that I haven't been watching movies. Oh no, my friends. Now that the chaos from all the changes is subsiding, I have many a movie that I would like to share my thoughts on (and of course, I would like to hear your thoughts about them too). Just as a teaser- I recently rewatched The Godfather on the big screen, I heard Ang Lee speak at a showing of Life of Pi in 3D, and I sobbed uncontrollably during Les Miserables.

I hope that you can accept my apology at leaving you alone in the filmic abyss, but stay tuned for some fun times ahead!

I leave you with a picture of Nicolas Cage as ET.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Psycho (1960)- Alfred Hitchcock

When you think of great American directors, what are some names that come to mind? Let's see...Orson Wells, John Ford, etc. etc. And of course, you think of Alfred Hitchcock, which is awkward because he was actually British. But whatever.

Alfred Hitchcock is hands-down one of the most influential and prolific directors in American history. He was a total badass who not only contributed to the craft of filmmaking through innovative filmmaking techniques, but also made freakishly entertaining movies.

He's such a big name in film that you may have even questioned my credibility because it's taken me this long to write about one of his movies. Either way, Psycho is a film that has withstood the test of time that still haunts modern viewers.

Find the IMDb summary here.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Back from the Dead...

Hello fellow film fanatics!

After long nights of grading papers, writing papers, and reading papers, my descent into midterm hell has finally ended. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the semester, which means...FILM POSTS ARE COMING BACK! I've gotten the chance to see quite a few films between the last time I posted and now, so get ready for some exciting new film discussion!

Look for a new post this coming Monday! On what film, you ask? In honor of the just-celebrated-holiday, Halloween...Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho!

Until then, I leave you with this picture of a pug in a Christmas outfit. Good day to you.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hello, blogging friends!

You may be asking yourself, "BUT WHERE IS THE NEW POST? I wait all week for your movie reviews!"

I just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize that there has not been a new review this week and explain why.

If you read my bio, you know that I am a grad student. The semester is approaching half-way done, so that means midterm season.

What is midterm season, you ask? Well, let me tell you. Come closer. A little closer...


It's ok, though. I will get through victorious. Until then, however, there may not be a new post until next week (or perhaps even the week after that). And for that, I am sorry.

Until next time, feel free to read the Movie News I've posted. Perhaps it will get you pumped for upcoming films!

So for now, I bid you adieu. And leave you with this picture of Nic Cage at a liquor store at 9AM.

You can thank me later.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Death at a Funeral (2007)- Frank Oz

The biggest problems with movies are expectations.
-Frank Oz

It is no secret that I love the Brits. They have thousands upon thousands of years of really cool history. They have been the creators of awesome music. They love drinking beer. And tea. They have a long tradition of film scholarship, study, and general movie lovin'. What is also awesome about the British?

From Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This. This right here. What can I say...British humor appeals to my dry, sarcastic side. It's not for everyone. But if you, like me, appreciate a good ol' fashioned British black comedy, you will really really REALLY like Frank Oz's 2007 film Death at a Funeral (not to be confused with Tyler Perry's 2010 remake).

Monday, September 17, 2012

Melancholia (2011)- Lars von Trier

More than anything, there are more images in evil. Evil is based far more on the visual, whereas good has no images at all.
-Lars von Trier
Danish director Lars von Trier is unusual, to say the least. When you mention his name, you are bound to have a division of opinions.

Why such controversy, you ask? Well, to begin, he associated with a new, avant-garde cinematic movement called Dogme 95. This movement called for making films using traditional rules of story, character, etc. and not using special effects. The movement served to heighten awareness of and interest in Danish filmmakers, which was awesome.

von Trier is also known for his use of unsimulated sex scenes in some of his films, as well as having his production company be the first mainstream film company to produce hardcore pornographic films.  His pornographic films were mainly directed toward a female audience, changing the way the stories were told to appeal to a demographic that traditionally had gone ignored in the genre.

While infamous for the above reasons, von Trier is also well-known for his stunning visuals, visuals that are unmatched and completely distinct to him as a director. Melancholia is no different.

Haven't seen it? Read the summary here!