Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Apologies abound, but Nicolas Cage heals all wounds

My, my, my. Has it really been that long since I've posted? Answer: yes. And I'm sorry for that.

Now, I do not expect you to accept my excuses, but I figured I'd give them anyway. I recently started a full-time job. Full-time work is...well, a lot of work. Who knew?

I have also been writing for a few websites. You can find me using my sports knowledge to cover the LA Clippers here or using my love for art as an LA Art and Exhibitions Examiner here. I've also been doing a lot of tweeting, so be sure to follow me. My writing is all over the place, but as long as I'm writing, I'm happy.

But all of this doesn't mean that I haven't been watching movies. Oh no, my friends. Now that the chaos from all the changes is subsiding, I have many a movie that I would like to share my thoughts on (and of course, I would like to hear your thoughts about them too). Just as a teaser- I recently rewatched The Godfather on the big screen, I heard Ang Lee speak at a showing of Life of Pi in 3D, and I sobbed uncontrollably during Les Miserables.

I hope that you can accept my apology at leaving you alone in the filmic abyss, but stay tuned for some fun times ahead!

I leave you with a picture of Nicolas Cage as ET.