Monday, August 27, 2012

Midnight in Paris (2011)- Woody Allen

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work...I want to achieve it through not dying. - Woody Allen

Ahhhh, Woody Allen. What can I say about this iconic American director that hasn't already been said? I begin my blog with thoughts on his most recent film, Midnight in Paris.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Beginning

Hello, fellow movie enthusiasts!

My name is Danielle, and I am a lover of all things film. I especially like talking with other people who love movies just as much as I do, so I am excited to use this blog as a platform for the discussion of all things cinema.

Before I begin, I wanted to give a bit of insight as to how my reviews will go. First off, I take a pretty cinephiliac approach to reviews. Cinephilia is the extreme love or passion for the cinema. Have you ever watched a movie and had a particular moment give you goosebumps and you couldn't explain why? Those are exactly the kind of moments I believe are the reasons movies are so special. My cinephiliac approach favors looking at the details that strike a cord with me for some reason, and then exploring those moments further.

I also enjoy finding allusions and homages to other movies within movies. It's like a scavenger hunt of movie trivia. One of the directors whose work I particularly enjoy siphoning through is that of Quentin Tarantino. So be prepared for a Tarantino bias from me.

So here is how I normally set up my reviews...

I normally begin with an initial reaction. This could either be a reaction that I have before watching a movie for the first time, or possibly a reaction I have to re-watching an old favorite.

From there, I will either pose a question for myself to answer during the screening or simply pick out 2-3 moments from the film that really stuck with me. From there, it's pretty much free-flowing thought.

What that means is that very rarely do I engage with the plot directly. What I will do, however, is post the link to the IMDb page for those who would like to read the summary. Not to worry if you haven't seen the film- I've got your back. I may also include a final "Did I like it?" question that encompasses the entire movie. 

I guess what's most important to remember overall is that these are my own personal opinions. You may have a completely different opinion- either about my analysis of moments, scenes, or my overall rating- and that's totally fine! I encourage and welcome differing opinions and viewpoints- that's what higher thinking is all about, after all! 

can't wait to hear what all of you have to say about your personal cinephiliac moments. Let's go to the movies!